
Workshop on National Air Quality Monitoring Systems and Methodologies with Related Partners

27 July 2022 – Bangkok, Thailand

The Network Center for the EANET organized the Workshop on National Air Quality Monitoring Systems and Methodologies with Related Partners online on 6 July 2022. It gathered scientists and researchers, government officers, technicians including Quality Assurance/Quality Control managers, and representatives of international organizations who discussed how to improve the EANET monitoring system. 180 participants from 17 different countries and regions joined the Workshop.


Opening Session

Moderated by Ms. Yao Dong, Assistant Deputy Director General of the Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP) in charge of the Network Center (NC) for the EANET, the Workshop started with Opening and Welcome Remarks by Dr. Shiro Hatakeyama, Director General of ACAP in charge of the NC for the EANET and followed by Mr. Toshiyuki Yamasaki, Director of the International Cooperation Office, Environmental Management Bureau, the Ministry of the Environment, Japan.

Dr. Shiro Hatakeyama and Mr. Toshiyuki Yamasaki delivered the opening remarks.

Remarks emphasized the introduction of new monitoring substances such as (but not only) ammonia, particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds, following the expansion of the scope of the EANET as decided by the IG23, and the need to adapt EANET’s monitoring system accordingly. The new EANET Project Fund mechanism, allowing the EANET and other organizations to collaborate on acid deposition and air-quality related projects, was also introduced.


Lectures and panel discussion

Among its key activities, the EANET is currently monitoring atmospheric substances at 64 monitoring sites in the EANET Participating Countries. The monitoring focuses on five items – wet deposition, dry deposition (air concentration), soil and vegetation, inland aquatic environment, and catchment-scale monitoring.

The Workshop on National Air Quality Monitoring Systems and Methodologies with Related Partners was funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, and implemented by the Network Center for the EANET. Its goal was to share a wide range of national and international experiences in the field of atmospheric monitoring while discussing the current development and future challenge of monitoring systems and related methodologies in the EANET region.

Panelists during the discussion sessions.

The first session introduced the EANET monitoring activities and was followed by case studies from Japan, the Republic of Korea, and China. In addition, specific monitoring methodologies including QA/QC activities were also introduced.

Dr. Meng Fan delivered the closing remarks.

In the second session, a panel discussion, followed by an open discussion, took place to exchange ideas on specific country challenges and discuss how to link EANET’s work with urban monitoring. Members of the EANET Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and from other organizations, such as Clean Air Asia, joined the discussion.

Closing remarks were provided by Dr. Fan Meng, Deputy Director General of ACAP in charge of the NC for the EANET, who summarized the highlights of the Workshop and thanked all speakers and participants for their active contribution. Among the key outcomes of the Workshop, Dr. Meng emphasized the question of linking EANET’s work with city-level monitoring and the challenge to measure volatile organic compounds and secondary pollutants.


Useful Resources
  • View the full recording of the Workshop on the EANET Secretariat’s Youtube channel
  • Download the Workshop’s Program
  • View the Workshop’s photos on Flickr
  • Download the Workshop’s presentations:

Development and role of monitoring system in EANET and the case study of Japan

Latest National and Local/City Monitoring System in the Republic of Korea

Study on the Co-control of PM2.5 and Ozone Pollution in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, and Surrounding Region of China

Monitoring methodologies and QA/QC activities in the EANET

-Introduction to EANET Project Fund and Project Activities 2022-2023

  • Find out more on the topic of the nitrogen cycle, touched upon during the panel discussion, by reading Prof. Akimoto’s et al. related research papers:

Review of Comprehensive Measurements of Speciated NOy and its Chemistry: Need for Quantifying the Role of Heterogeneous Processes of HNO3 and HONO (2020)

Rethinking of the adverse effects of NOx-control on the reduction of methane and tropospheric ozone – Challenges toward a denitrified society (2022)


Photo credits: All rights reserved to EANET.