EANET researchers have been working collaboratively for 20 years to study mechanisms of acid deposition and its effects on ecosystems, resulting in various scientific publications. These aim at creating a common understanding of the state of acid deposition problems in East Asia, and to provide useful inputs for decision-making at the local, national, and regional levels.

The EANET Research Portal was created to promote research activities developed in the EANET community and to enhance the use of the EANET data by the scientific community globally. The main objectives of this page are to introduce research activities conducted by the EANET community, share scientific outputs from the EANET research activities, demonstrate the importance of the EANET data for scientific research activities, and provide opportunities for joint research activities with the EANET community.

Latest Research News

    • (June, 2022 Updated) Acid deposition in East and Southeast Asia – EANET Researchers look at the science and policy over the last 30 years

Link: https://www.eanet.asia/news-acid-deposition-in-east-and-southeast-asia-eanet-researchers-look-at-the-science-and-policy-over-the-last-30-years/

    • (June, 2021 Updated) Joint Projects of Catchment Analysis Study in Thailand

Link: https://www.eanet.asia/news-eanet-joint-projects-with-participating-countries-catchment-analysis-thailand/

Research Activities by the EANET Community

Review on air pollution and tree and forest decline in East Asia (2015-2020)

The regional condition of forest decline and its relationship with air pollution have been compiled as the scientific review by the EANET Task Force members from Japan, China, Russia, and Malaysia based on scientific literature published in the respective countries.

The review work was implemented as one of the activities on Task Force on Soil and Vegetation Monitoring of the EANET. It was also supported by JSPS KAKENHI and the Russian Fund Fundamental Researches.


Alkalinization and acidification of stream water with changes in atmospheric deposition in a tropical dry evergreen forest of northeastern Thailand (2005-2015)

Small catchment plots were established in the respective forest areas in Thailand, Malaysia, and Japan. The effects of air-pollutant deposition/input on forest ecosystems and disturbance of biogeochemical cycle processes have been studied in these catchment plots.

This research was implemented by the joint research projects between the EANET Network Center and research/academic institutions in the participating countries. It was supported financially by JSPS KAKENHI, Environment Research and Technology Development Fund, and Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN).



Catchment Studies in Kajikawa Study Site and Lake Ijira Monitoring Site (2002-)

Catchment plots were established at the Kajikawa study site located in a Japanese cedar forest of Niigata Prefecture and the Lake Ijira monitoring site registered as the EANET site. These studies aimed to clarify the effects of air pollution on forest ecosystems.

The study in Kajikawa site was conducted as one of the Network Center research activities for EANET and also supported by grants from the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research and JSPS KAKENHI.

Link: https://www.acap.asia/en/research-main/catchment_kaji-ijira/


Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia (MICS-Asia) (2000-)

Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia (MICS-Asia) is a project aiming at improving air quality and climate models not only for enhancing scientific understanding of the atmospheric environment but also for developing a common scientific understanding for policy-making in Asia.

This study is supported financially by the EANET activity contributed by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Link: https://www.acap.asia/en/research-main/mics-asia/


Study on air pollution at Niigata-Maki National Acid Deposition Monitoring Station (2000-)

In addition to the regular monitoring of wet and dry deposition at the Niigata-Maki monitoring site registered as the EANET site, source analysis of PM2.5 is conducted including PM2.5 sampling, components analysis, and receptor model analysis.

The study in Lake Ijira monitoring site is implemented under the Long-term Monitoring Plan on Transboundary Air Pollution and Acid Deposition, the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, and with the support of the Joint Research Grant for the Environmental Isotope Study of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature.

Link: https://www.acap.asia/en/research-main/mics-asia/

Reports of EANET Research Fellowship

EANET Research Fellowship in 2021 - The Effect of Meteorological Parameters on Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in Yangon City, Myanmar

Kyu Kyu Sein, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Myanmar; Mingqun Huo and Akie Yuba, Asia Center for Air Pollution Research, 1182 Sowa, Nishi-ku, Niigata 950-2144, Japan.

Daily average monitoring data for PM2.5 and meteorological parameters at Kaba-aye, Yangon from 2018 to 2021 are analyzed using statistical methods to investigate the effect of meteorological parameters on the PM2.5 concentration and possible source of PM2.5. The study found that PM2.5 concentration is the highest in the month of February with 41.71 µg/m3 with the annual increasing rate of 1.96 µg/m3 per year. The concentration of PM2.5 was observed to be higher during non-monsoon season (November to April) than in monsoon (May to October). The concentration of PM2.5 remained always above the WHO Standard except monsoon season. The significant negative correlation of PM2.5 with rainfall amount and relative humidity in monsoon season, while significant negative correlation with rainfall and mean temperature in non-monsoon season. Diurnal variation of PM2.5 showed bimodal distribution with one maximum in the morning and the other at evening. The observed seasonality and diurnal variability of PM2.5 distributions are attributed mainly to the rush hours of traffic conjunction and climate factors.

Download the Research Report

EANET Research Fellowship in 2019 - Improvement of atmospheric ammonia emissions combined with satellite observations

Miaomiao Cheng, Institute of Atmospheric Environment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China

In this study, the NH3 emissions inventories in China were improved using the atmospheric chemical transport model, satellite observations, and inverse modeling methodology. In terms of spatial distribution, according to the corrected emissions, NH3 emissions were mainly seen in densely-populated areas such as the North China Plain, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, Chengdu, and Chongqing, with the emissions per unit area exceeding 300 kg ha-1 yr-1. As for annual changes, China showed an almost stable trend in NH3 emissions from 2013 to 2016, and nationwide NH3 emissions came in at about 10 million tons in each of these years.

Download the Research Report

EANET Science Bulletins

List of Research Papers Related to EANET

This list consists of the database of research articles using EANET data and/or mentioning EANET. The articles include peer-reviewed papers, books, data papers, working papers, project reports, etc. The list covers the period from today, since EANET's foundation. If you wish to inform us about any important paper using EANET data that is currently missing in the lists below, kindly contact the Network Center on this matter.



