
The project Stocktaking and Methodological Assessment of Emissions Inventories and Source Apportionment of Air Pollution in Southeast Asia is led by the Secretariat for the EANET in collaboration with the Network Center for the EANET, the Asian Institute of Technology, Regional Resource for Asia Pacific, (RRC.AP/AIT), and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).

Aligned with the 2024 Work Programme and Budget of EANET, the project aims to support capacity building on the promotion of data dissemination and utilization and to enhance cooperation and collaboration among EANET Participating Countries.

The project Stocktaking and Methodological Assessment of Emissions Inventories and Source Apportionment of Air Pollution in Southeast Asia has been approved at the Twenty-fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Meeting (IG25) on the EANET, as a Project Activity, funded by the Secretariat for the EANET through the EANET Project Fund.



Emissions inventories and source apportionment of air pollution are fundamental elements of an air quality management framework. They enable policymakers, government regulators, and experts to better understand the sources of air pollution and their contribution to ambient air quality and develop appropriate policies. Conducting emissions inventories and/or source apportionment assessments also enables stakeholders to measure the effectiveness of policies and improve implementation.

Several emission inventory and source apportionment studies have been conducted using various methodologies and done by various organizations primarily academic institutions and in some cases, government bodies, in Southeast Asian countries. As air pollution problems become complex in Southeast Asia due to intensifying economic activities, rising demand for energy, urbanization, and motorization. Many cities also now grapple with high urban air pollution due to mobile sources. There is no consolidated database that provides information on various studies and efforts on emissions inventories and source apportionment studies in Southeast Asia. EANET is conducting webinar training on emissions inventories of combustion sources to provide capacity-building activities for EANET Participating Countries. This proposed project can supplement capacity-building activities and establish a database of emissions inventories and source apportionment studies on air pollution in the region. The database is expected to support efforts to better understand air pollution and its sources and develop appropriate policies.


Objective and Activities

The proposed project aims to establish a database of emissions inventory studies and activities in Southeast Asian countries. To do so, a literature review and institutional analysis of emissions inventories and source apportionment studies and efforts in Southeast Asia will be conducted.


Useful Resources
  • The Secretariat for the EANET and AIT RRC.AP, organized the kick-off meeting of the project on 26 March 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand.

Read the web story: Kick-off Meeting – Stocktaking and Methodological Assessment of Emissions Inventories and Source Apportionment of Air Pollution in Southeast Asia


  • The Second Meeting of the EANET Project was held on 29 May 2024, as a side event to the EANET Regional Workshop in 2024.

Read the web story: Assessing Emissions Inventories and Source Apportionment in Southeast Asia: Second Meeting of the EANET


Find out more about the EANET Project Activities on the EANET Project Fund web page.
