The Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) is calling for proposals, as part of the Project Fund and Project Guideline, for co-financed projects, “EANET Projects”, to address acid deposition and related pollutants’ issues in East Asia and beyond.

Read the Project Fund and Project Guideline of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) complete document, for more detailed information.


Call for EANET Projects’ Proposals

Participating Countries and partner organizations, not members of EANET, now have the possibility to cooperate in a strong regional platform with extensive experience and knowledge, as part of the EANET Projects. The EANET Projects are a set of projects defined by the Medium Term Plan (MTP) for the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) (2021-2025) to conduct specific non-core activities to achieve EANET objectives, using the EANET Project Fund, in accordance with the MTP and other EANET guiding documents.

Typical activities led by the EANET focus on the monitoring of acid deposition and control of data, research, capacity building, and awareness-raising.


EANET Project Criteria

The EANET Project Criteria is a set of Criteria applied for each EANET Project Plan to determine whether the EANET Project Plan is ready to be submitted to the Intergovernmental Meeting (IG) on the EANET for its discussion and approval. The EANET Project Criteria include the following:
  • Activities, including non-core activities, should be within the EANET Scope (more information on the Scope of the EANET can be found in the Instrument for Strengthening the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET), page 14 of the Report of the Session of IG12, and in the most recent Decisions of IG23, Annex2 of the Report of the Session of IG23*).
  • The EANET Project Plan is in line with the principles defined in the EANET Project Fund and Project Guideline.
  • The EANET Project Plan clearly and reasonably indicates its objectives, activities, the rationale to implement, tangible expected outputs, and outcomes.
  • More than half of EANET Participating Countries are identified as beneficiaries directly and/or indirectly.
  • Contents of the EANET Project Plan are considered and developed in the light of assessment points stated in ANNEX-2 from the EANET Project Fund and Project Guideline, namely the “Assessment Points for Project Plans”.
  • Necessary resources other than EANET Project Fund are secured or highly likely to be secured, while the allocation of EANET Project Fund is a matter of IG decision.
  • At least one Co-financer, either in financial or in-kind form, is secured or highly likely to be secured. In the case of a small project of which the total amount of required resources is 30,000 USD or less, financial contribution other than EANET Project Fund is not always required, while in-kind contribution is always necessary.
  • In principle, the project period is around one year. Some types of projects can set their period up to 3 to 5 years, provided that such project has a mechanism to be reviewed by IG on the implementation of the Project for IG’s decision to continue or terminate.
  • In principle, the requested amount of the EANET Project Fund is not exceeding 50% of the total required resources for the Project.

*Please contact the Network Center if you have any questions related to the scope of the EANET.


Who can submit a proposal?

The Project Lead is responsible for the submission of the EANET Project Plan.

The Project Lead, who is to take the lead in the preparation and implementation stage, and reporting of the Project, and accountable for the entire project implementation is defined as follows:

  • The organization liaised by the National Focal Point (NFP) of an EANET Participating Country
  • The Secretariat for the EANET, the Network Center for the EANET, and Subsidiary Bodies of the EANET.

If the Project Lead is a group of entities, a certain entity of the group member should be assigned as a fully accountable group for the Project against IG.


How to submit a proposal?

The goal of the preparation of a project is to complete the EANET Project Plan using Template-A (Annex 1) of the Project Fund and Project Guideline, which meets the EANET Project Criteria as defined in this Guideline.

Prior to submitting the EANET Project Plan, Project Leads may, if they wish to, propose a Project Concept Note to the EANET Secretariat to seek for assistance before submitting the EANET Project Plan.



To submit Project Plans for approval by IG26, it is recommended that these are submitted by email to before 31 July 2024 (extended deadline) EOB Indochina time (ICT).


Download the Annexes (in .doc) of the EANET Project Fund and Project Guideline

ANNEX -1: TEMPLATE-A for Project Plan

ANNEX-2: Assessment Points for Project Plan

ANNEX-3: TEMPLATE-B for Project Completion Report

ANNEX-4: TEMPLATE-C for Project Concept Note


Find out more about the EANET Projects implemented in 2024.


Contact the Secretariat or the Network Center for additional information.
