Workshop on National Air Quality Monitoring Systems and Methodologies with Related Partners – Join us on July 6th!
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1. Background
The EANET as an intergovernmental network in East Asia has achieved excellent progress in monitoring cooperation and had great progress in dealing with common concerned problems in the region. The EANET has been monitoring more than 18 atmospheric substances including ions at 64 monitoring sites in the EANET Participating Countries. EANET implements five monitoring items – wet deposition, dry deposition (air concentration), soil and vegetation, inland aquatic environment, and catchment-scale monitoring.
Depending on differentiated economic stages, industrial structures and meteorological conditions, Participating Countries face diversified environmental challenges and priorities, and even in the same region, the challenges differ from time to time. Therefore, in dealing with acid deposition and air pollution issues, it becomes critical to understand the latest atmospheric environment status in the EANET region firstly, and constantly keep up with the latest trend of air pollution measurements and state-of-the-art research methodology/technology, and fully utilize all aspects of resources to seek the solutions in improving air quality in EANET.
Through more than 20 years of activities, the EANET has established a comprehensive and integrated monitoring network, and EANET monitoring data has been used to evaluate and analyze the atmospheric environment in East Asia. The EANET has focused on the national level to promote cooperation among thirteen Participating Countries to address air pollution, including acid deposition issues, and has achieved significant progress in improving air quality in the East Asia region. However, considering the lifetime of air pollution substances, city-level air quality management is also important besides the national level. Furthermore, in terms of implementing management regulations and standards, along with initiatives from central governments, the local/city governments are also crucial in steadily carrying out various measurements.
To accelerate its further development, the Twenty-third Intergovernmental Meeting of the EANET reached an agreement to expand its scope and enable the EANET to conduct monitoring of more atmospheric environment-related substances. In response to this historical decision of scope expansion and steadily undertaking the necessary actions to adopt the changes of EANET, sharing the latest monitoring system and methodologies, discussing the most pressing challenges, and thinking together about possible solutions among the EANET Participating Countries with related partners are critical.
This workshop will gather different stakeholders (scientists and researchers, government officers, technicians including QA/QC managers, the representative of an international organization) together and invite them to discuss from different perspectives on how to overcome the challenges so as to improve the monitoring system in EANET.
This workshop will be divided into two sessions. The first session will briefly introduce the EANET monitoring activities and its function, followed by the case studies of Japan, R. of Korea, and China. In addition, the specific monitoring methodologies including QA/QC activities will be also introduced. In the second session, the panel discussion will take place involving different stakeholders to seek solutions for improving the EANET monitoring system.
2. Objectives and Participants
This workshop aims to provide an opportunity of sharing a wide range of national and international experiences in the field of atmospheric monitoring, discussing the current development and future challenge of monitoring systems and related methodologies in EANET.
Although this event is open to the public, the expected participants will be mainly Representative of Participating Countries of the EANET including:
- Central and local government officials from monitoring and air quality management related departments or divisions
- Scientists, researchers, and technicians (including QA/QC managers and technicians) in the related area
- Participants from related stakeholders, including representatives from UNEP and other regional and international organizations
- The Network Center for the EANET, the Secretariat for the EANET
3. Agenda
There will be two sessions based on the objectives of the workshop.
The first session aims to:
- Provide an overview of the development of science and policy related to acid deposition in East Asia over 30 years.
- Introduce the monitoring systems of Japan, R. of Korea, and China.
- Discuss national monitoring system with QA/QC capacity for a wide range of monitoring stations, including mobile monitoring units, and introduce past experiences in order to expand possible opportunities in Participating Countries.
The second session aims to:
- Provide discussion platform to various stakeholders to discuss the challenges the Participating Countries are facing, and seek possible or efficient solutions in improving monitoring system.
- Provide useful and practical advice from scientific views in strengthening monitoring system from the SAC members of EANET.
- Provide lesson learned and important insights for air quality monitoring management experiences towards resolving the related difficulties in the Participating Countries of the EANET.
- Share Clean Air Asia (CAA)’s knowledge gained through the cooperation between cities that has been implemented over the years in strengthening and improving City’s air quality monitoring system.
- Discuss opportunities of respective concerns or difficulties in further developing air quality monitoring systems in Participating Countries of the EANET involving different stakeholders.
In the second session following two guiding discussion points (tentative) will be provided.
- Air pollution issue are deferred from country to country, and deferred from time to time. Taking the latest trend of your country into account, what do you think are the most significant challenge such as targeted substances and spatial coverage for the EANET in improving atmospheric environment in 5-10 years ahead?
- International cooperation is critical from national to city-level in dealing with the regional air pollution issue. But, what is the pros and cons of the linkage between national-level and city-level cooperation, and what are the key points to optimize the co-benefit for the regional/city-level air quality in terms of monitoring system, its solutions and prioritized actions?
Access the full Programme here.
Download the Workshop’s presentations:
–Development and role of monitoring system in EANET and the case study of Japan
–Latest National and Local/City Monitoring System in the Republic of Korea
–Monitoring methodologies and QA/QC activities in the EANET
-Introduction to EANET Project Fund and Project Activities 2022-2023
For further inquiries, contact the Network Center for the EANET.