
Exploring the Impacts of Air Pollution on Health and the Environment: Highlights of the EANET Seminar

The EANET Seminar on the Effects of Acid Deposition and Air Pollution on Human Health and Ecosystems

Bangkok, 25 January 2024

The EANET Seminar on the Effects of Acid Deposition and Air Pollution on Human Health and Ecosystems was conducted online on 31 October 2023 and aimed to gain knowledge, learn from pollution reduction efforts globally, and foster a collective understanding among scientists and policymakers. Approximately 80 participants joined the seminar online, contributing to meaningful discussions on the adverse effects of air pollution.


Opening Statements

Opening remarks were delivered by Dr. Shiro Hatakeyama, Director General of the Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP), the Network Center for the EANET, and Mr. Bert Fabian, Coordinator, Secretariat for the EANET.


International Perspectives on Environmental Policymaking Related to Air Pollution and Health

Mr. Thomas Scheuschner, an expert from the German Environmental Agency specializing in ICP Modeling and Mapping under UNECE, started by presenting the: “Critical load assessment and its contribution to policy decision making in Europe.” In his presentation, he highlighted the key milestones of the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and then explained how Critical Load Approaches and analyses can be used for air quality management strategies, by presenting Critical Load estimation methods and the European Critical Load database, among others.

Dr. Dorota Jarosinska from the WHO Regional Office for Europe, European Centre for Environment and Health, WHO, followed with her presentation on “Experience of policy-making based on scientific evidence of the Task Force on Health under the CLRTAP and WHO with CLRTAP.” In her presentation, Dr. Jarosinska introduced the Joint Task Force on the Health Aspects of Air Pollution (TFH) established under the CLRTAP and its work plan, before explaining the importance of the new WHO global air quality guidelines, and how they are being used by policymakers in the European Union.



Finally, Dr. Hiroaki Minoura from Nagoya University of Commerce & Business, presented his findings on the “Health effects study of in vivo and in vitro exposure to automobile emissions.” He explained the results from in vivo testing to assess health risks of emissions from transport, in vitro toxicological screening for automotive emission-related substances, and an epidemiological assessment of automobile-related health risks.


Closing Remarks

The session concluded with closing remarks delivered by Prof. Fan Meng, Deputy Director General of ACAP. The seminar was marked by discussions among participants contributing to fostering a better understanding of the complex relationship between air pollution, human health, and the environment.


Find out more about the EANET Project Fund.


Useful Resources:
  • View the Seminar’s recordings on YouTube


Photo credits: Cover photo by Joseph Gonzalez (2016); all other photos and videos: all rights reserved to EANET.