
Capacity Building in the EANET – The Individual Training 2022 Laboratory Session

19 January 2023 – Niigata, Japan

As part of the EANET Individual Training in 2022, a session in the laboratory was held by the Network Center for the EANET (NC) in December 2022. It aimed at providing practical capacity building to representatives from the EANET Participating Countries on wet and dry deposition monitoring.


Practical Field Training

The Individual Training has been conducted as a regular activity yearly by the NC in Niigata, Japan,  to improve the various monitoring skills of the representatives from the EANET Participating Countries.

In 2022, the laboratory session of the training was held in person in Niigata, Japan, at the Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP). A representative from the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) from the Philippines completed the training.

Held from 11 to 17 December 2022, the training aimed at developing professional expertise and knowledge of wet deposition (precipitation sample) and dry deposition (4 Stage Filter Pack).

The laboratory session consisted of various technical exercises focusing on specific topics and practical outputs including pH and electric conductivity, filter pack sampling, and standard operating procedures of inorganic ions analysis. Through these exercises, laboratory work techniques were demonstrated and explained. These included maintaining a steady temperature during the measurements of pH and electric conductivity, how to clean laboratory wares, and understanding differences in the sampling when using a gas volume meter or a gas flow meter, for filter pack sampling.


The training also included a site visit at the Niigata – Maki Station, where the trainee observed automatic rainwater samplers, sampling setups for water-insoluble and water-soluble organic carbon, and filter pack samplers for particulate matter, gases, and carbons. This activity helped familiarize him with the field equipment used for air quality monitoring. In addition to the original training program, instructors shared knowledge on black carbon analysis (sampling, analysis, and instrument operation), atmospheric microplastics analysis, and PM2.5 data processing. (Figure 4 – Checking a rainwater sampler at the Niigata – Maki Station).


Ways Forward

The expected outcome of the laboratory session of the Individual Training is for the participant to disseminate experience and knowledge to colleagues in his country. The NC continuously provides support in this dissemination effort.

The  Individual Training program is a 2022 EANET Project activity, which received support from the governments of Japan and the Philippines.


Find out more about the EANET Individual Training through the Program of EANET Individual Training 2022 or contact the NC.


View the photos on Flickr.


Photo credits: all rights reserved to the EANET.