
Capacity Building in the EANET – The Individual Training 2022

12 January 2023 – Niigata, Japan

The EANET Individual Training in 2022 was successfully organized by the Network Center for the EANET (NC) in November and December 2022. It consisted of virtual lectures and in-person laboratory training and aimed at providing technical support and capacity building to participants from the EANET Participating Countries on acid deposition monitoring.


Strengthening the EANET’s Monitoring Capacities

The Individual Training has been a regular activity conducted yearly by the NC in Niigata, Japan,  to improve the various monitoring skills of the representatives from the EANET Participating Countries. In 2022, due to COVID-19-related travel restrictions, the EANET Individual Training took place online. 28 government officers and researchers from 7 EANET Participating Countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Russia, and Viet Nam) completed the online course, from November 1st to 18th 2022.

This year’s session started with Opening Remarks from Dr. Shiro Hatakeyama, Director General of ACAP, followed by an introduction of the participants and of the EANET. Lectures on atmospheric deposition (including wet and dry deposition), the effects on ecosystems, and related monitoring methods, were presented. The second week of the training focused on data monitoring including automatic monitor maintenance of particulate matter and ozone monitors, data analysis, sampling methods, pretreatment, and electric conductivity and pH measurement for dry/wet samples and inorganic carbon measurement. Finally, during the last week of the training, participants learned about the EANET quality assurance and quality control activities, data reporting, and data evaluation procedures. An introduction to the Inter-Laboratory Comparison Project 2021 was also provided. The virtual lectures were followed by onsite laboratory training in Niigata, Japan, in December 2022.


Participants during the EANET Individual Training 2022


The Individual Training allowed participants to deepen their knowledge of acid deposition monitoring, data evaluation, and reporting, in close relation to their on-the-ground laboratory work. In addition to matters specific to the East Asian region, broader topics, including lectures on atmospheric deposition, data management, maintenance of equipment, and coordination for monitoring activities, were delivered by scientists and researchers from the NC.


Ways Forward

The expected outcome of the EANET Individual Training was for participants from both the virtual lectures and in-person laboratory training to disseminate experience and knowledge to colleagues in their country, allowing them to actively carry on monitoring acid deposition and air pollution activities. The NC continuously provides support in this dissemination effort.

The Individual Training program is a 2022 EANET Project activity, which received support from the governments of Japan and the Philippines.


Find out more about the EANET Individual Training through the Program of EANET Individual Training 2022 or contact the NC.


Photo credits: featured image of Niigata, Japan (2023) by snowdrop on Unsplash, other images: all rights reserved to EANET.