The EANET Emission Inventory Webinar Workshop on Combustion Sources – Join us on December 11th!
Registration is now closed.
1. Background
When addressing atmospheric environmental issues in the EANET Participating Countries, the primary focus should be on sources of fuel combustion. This includes, but is not limited to, major power plants, industrial facilities, residential areas, and road transportation. Emissions from combustion sources often cause large adverse impacts on human health and ecosystems by acid deposition, high concentrations of PM2.5 and ozone, etc.
In order to tackle severe air pollution problems, it is essential to understand the status of emissions of air pollutants and consider the effectiveness of mitigation measures. Emission inventories are essential to obtain such information and help to develop appropriate atmospheric environmental policies. The methodologies to estimate emissions from combustion sources are basic and are essential for the development of national emission inventories.
The workshop EANET Emission Inventory Webinar on Combustion Sources will be held online on 11 December 2023, from 12:30-16:30 (Bangkok time, UTC+7). This workshop is organized by the Network Center for the EANET, hosted by the Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP).
2. Objectives and Participants
The objectives of the Emission Inventory Webinar are to learn the basic methodologies to estimate emissions from combustion sources including stationary and mobile sources. In addition, the various roles of emission inventories in atmospheric environmental management, frameworks of national emission inventories, and related issues will be introduced.
This workshop targets particularly technical officers, practitioners, and policymakers who are involved in atmospheric environmental management issues, especially those in charge of or interested in developing a national emission inventory.
3. Program
4. Registration
To participate in the EANET Emission Inventory Webinar Workshop on Combustion Sources, please fill in and send back the registration form by 30 November 2023.
For further inquiries, contact the Network Center for the EANET.