Third Working Group Meeting
- The Working Group on the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) held its third meeting from 15 to 16 October 1998 in Yokohama, Japan.
- The Meeting was attended by representatives of the following countries: Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Thailand and Vietnam. The representative of China attended the meeting as an observer.
- The representative of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) also attended the meeting.
- A list of participants is attached in the Annex.
Opening of the Meeting
- The Meeting was opened with remarks by Mr. Hirohisa Kurihara, the State Secretary of the Environment Agency of Japan. He emphasized the importance of the meeting and expressed his expectations for its successful outcome.
Election of officers
- Mr. Hiroshi Yoshida (Japan) was elected as chairperson, Dr. RTM Sutamihardja (Indonesia) was elected as vice-chairperson, and Ms. Adelaida B. Roman (The Philippines) was elected as rapporteur.
Adoption of the agenda
- The Meeting adopted the provisional agenda that had been prepared and circulated by the Interim Secretariat (EANET/WG 3/3/1).
Report on the results of the First Meeting of the Interim Scientific Advisory Group(EANET/WG 3/4)
- Dr. Muhamad B. Awang, the Head of the Bureau for the First Interim Scientific Advisory Group (hereinafter referred as ISAG) Meeting, reported on the results of the First ISAG Meeting (EANET/ISAG 1/8).
- The Interim Network Center (hereinafter referred as INC) further supplemented the above-mentioned presentation with technical information including such matters as the QA/QC program, data reporting procedures and formats, and training programs for the Network.
- The Meeting
- Reviewed and took note of the Report of the First ISAG Meeting (EANET/ISAG 1/8);
- Endorsed the adoption by ISAG of the terms of reference for the Interim Scientific Advisory Group (EANET/ISAG 1/2/3);
- Endorsed the adoption by ISAG of the QA/QC programs for Acid Deposition Monitoring during the Preparatory Phase of EANET (EANET/ISAG 1/4/1 rev. including its Annexes 1-3) and Data Reporting Procedures and Formats (EANET/ISAG 1/4/2 rev. including its Annexes 1-5); and
- Also took note, with appreciation, of the Training Programs for the Network (EANET/ISAG 1/5/1 rev.).
- In the course of the above-mentioned discussions, specific concerns were expressed, inter alia, about the following points:
- The question was raised as to whether the timetable for data reporting may be too tight, i.e. October 1999 would be too early for countries to compile data covering a sufficient period of time. After clarification on the original schedule and discussion, it was agreed that the timing should not be delayed because the data is primarily needed to examine the feasibility for implementing network activities, noting that the schedule includes some flexibility.
- The meeting endorsed the proposal that an informal meeting should be held between the First and Second ISAG meetings, to provide opportunities to exchange views and up-to-date information as regards the implementation of the preparatory phase activities, and to prepare for the Second ISAG Meeting.
- Effort should be made to further elaborate the training programs for the network, in particular by the INC, following the comments and advice provided by the First ISAG Meeting and the Third Working Group Meeting, e.g. by identifying the training needs of the participating countries, developing training activities to meet such needs and enhancing training capacities in the participating countries.
- Effort should also be made to seek possibilities of financial contributions by relevant international organizations, such as UNEP, as well as by the participating countries for the future development of training programs for the Network.
- Awareness of the Network activities should be raised, especially among the high-level officials/decision makers in the participating countries, as well as in the international community. Workshops/seminars may be organized for this purpose. Also, it was proposed that information on the latest progress of the Network should be provided to high-level meetings, such as the Environmental Congress for Asia and the Pacific (ECO-ASIA) and the Northeast Asia Environmental Cooperation Conference.
- The INC should make adequate arrangements for preparing the status report of acid deposition in East Asia by ISAG. The INC was also requested to distribute the data report among the ISAG members as soon as possible, and provide appropriate technical support for ISAG.
Review of activities of the Interim Secretariat and the Interim Network Center
- The Interim Secretariat and the INC presented the status of their current activities (EANET/WG 3/5/1 and EANET/WG 3/5/2).
- The Meeting reviewed these activities, and provided comments, in particular, regarding the directions to these two interim bodies:
- A question was raised on the official language used in the Network activities. It was agreed that the following rule should be applied on an interim basis.
- The primary language is English in both documentation and meetings. However, other languages may also be used in meetings, in particular that of a host country, if appropriate interpretation is provided at its own expense. This rule is subject to review and endorsement by the Second Intergovernmental Meeting.
- It was emphasized that the INC should have sufficient capacity to carry out research activities in a comprehensive manner, as well as appropriate clearinghouse and technical support functions. Accordingly, the organizational structure of the INC should further be elaborated in the future.
- The INC was encouraged to disseminate information on the Network-related activities among the participating countries through, inter alia, a periodic newsletter.
- As a result of the discussion, the Meeting
- Took note of the report of the status of current activities and work plans of the Interim Secretariat (EANET/WG 3/5/1) and of the INC (EANET/WG 3/5/2);
- Encouraged the INC to further elaborate training programs for the Network, and to disseminate information; and
- Requested the Interim Secretariat and the INC to continue and enhance communication and coordination with relevant international organizations and programs.
Review of activities of the participating countries
- The representatives of the participating countries presented their preparatory-phase activities, including designation of the focal points of the governments and national centers, nomination of the members of ISAG, submission of existing monitoring data to the INC, development and implementation of the national monitoring plans, and other relevant issues including national training programs.
- The Meeting considered such activities with particular emphasis on the following:
- The participating countries that had not yet established their national monitoring plans were encouraged to facilitate their establishment. The participating countries were also encouraged to make necessary arrangements for the development of their national QA/QC programs, based on the QA/QC programs adopted by the First ISAG Meeting and endorsed by the Third Working Group Meeting; and
- The INC was encouraged to compile information on monitoring sites and disseminate it among the participating countries, including a map on the locations of the Network monitoring sites.
Other business
- The Chairperson referred to the schedule for the Second Meeting of the ISAG and the Fourth Meeting of the Working Group. The representative of Indonesia proposed that the Government of Indonesia would consider the possibility of hosting these meetings and inform the Interim Secretariat of the decision through diplomatic channels. The Meeting welcomed such proposal.
- The Meeting requested the Interim Secretariat to prepare and make necessary arrangements for the above-mentioned meetings, including dates and venues, provisional agenda and timetables, in consultation with the participating countries.
- The Meeting also requested the Interim Secretariat and the INC to prepare and make necessary arrangements for the informal meeting mentioned in paragraph 11, in consultation with the participating countries.
Consideration and Adoption of the report of the meeting
- The Meeting adopted the Report of the Third Meeting of the Working Group[0] on the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (15-16 October 1998, Yokohama, Japan).