
Second Working Group Meeting



  1. The Working Group held its second meeting from 17 to 18 March 1998 in Yokohama.
  2. The Meeting was attended by representatives of the following countries: Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Thailand and Vietnam. The representative of China attended the meeting as an observer.
  3. The representative of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) also attended the meeting.
  4. A list of participants is attached in Annex I.

    Opening of the meeting

  5. The Meeting was opened with remarks by Dr. Ryo Nomura, Director General of Air Quality Bureau, the Environment Agency of Japan.

    Election of officers

  6. Mr. Akihiro MASUDA (Japan) was elected as chairman, Dr. RTM Sutamihardja (Indonesia) was elected as vice-chairman, and Dr. Supat Wangwongwatana (Thailand) was elected as rapporteur.

    Adoption of the agenda

  7. The Meeting adopted the provisional agenda that had been prepared and circulated by the Secretariat (EANET/WG 2/3).

    Review of the working draft of “Design of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)” (EANET/WG 1/5 Rev.1)

  8. Presentation was made by the Secretariat on the working draft “Design of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)” (EANET/WG 1/5 rev.1), which was developed by the first meeting of the working group in November 1997. Also reported was history and current status of the Cooperative Program for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants (EMEP), and broader comments by the prospective member countries collected after the circulation of the working draft.
  9. Through extensive and thorough discussion over the working draft, the meeting developed the revised draft “Design of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)” (EANET/WG 1/5 Rev.2) for submission to the first intergovernmental meeting for consideration.

    Review of the working draft of “Implementation of Preparatory-phase Activities” (EANET/WG 1/6 Rev.1)

  10. Extensive and thorough discussion was made over the working draft “Implementation of the Preparatory Phase Activities” (EANET/WG 1/6 rev.1), which was developed by the first meeting of the working group in November 1997. Also distributed were comments by Japan made after the circulation of the working draft.
  11. Explanation was made by Japan over the “Proposed Plan for the Establishment and Operation of the Interim Secretariat” (EANET/WG 2/5/2) and “Proposed Plan for the Establishment and Operation of the Interim Network Center” (EANET/WG 2/5/3). The Meeting noted Japan’s proposal to host the interim Secretariat and the interim network center.
  12. The Meeting developed the revised draft “Implementation of the Preparatory-Phase Activities” (EANET/WG 1/6 rev.2) for submission to the first intergovernmental meeting for consideration.

    Review of the provisional agenda for the first intergovernmental meeting

  13. The Meeting made discussion on the draft “Provisional Agenda for the First Intergovernmental Meeting on the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia” (EANET/WG 2/6), and conclude it, with amend ment, for submission to the first intergovernmental meeting.
  14. The meeting confirmed that it would submit the revised draft “Design of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)” (EANET/WG 1/5 rev.2) and the revised draft “Implementation of the Preparatory-Phase Activities” (EANET/WG 1/6 rev.2) to the first intergovernmental meeting, for consideration in its agenda items 5 and 6, respectively.

    Adoption of the report of the meeting

  15. The Meeting adopted for general distribution the report of The Second Meeting of the Working Group on the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (17 – 18 March 1998, Yokohama, Japan). For the sake of recording the discussion made during the meeting, the Secretariat was requested to develop a more detailed report and circulate it through diplomatic channels.