The Working Group Meeting in 2021 Session 1
26 April 2021 – Bangkok, Thailand
The Working Group Meeting in 2021 Session 1 for the EANET (WG2021-1) was held virtually from 20-22 April 2021. The meeting made good progress on several key results concerning the EANET’s expansion of scope.
The Working Group Meeting in 2021 Session 1
Nearly 70 participants, including members from the EANET Participating Countries, joined the WG2021-1 meeting.
At the meeting, the Participating Countries showed their keen interest in exchanging and brainstorming on the possible ways to prepare necessary arrangements for the expansion of the scope of the EANET.
Co-chaired by Thailand and by the Philippines, the session started with Welcome Remarks from Dr. Isabelle Louis, Deputy Regional Director, United Nations Environment Programme for Asia & the Pacific, followed by Opening Remarks by Dr. Shiro Hatakeyama, Director General, Asia Center for Air Pollution Research.

Drafting the Expansion of Scope of EANET Instrument
The Working Group Meetings in 2021 Session 1 and 2 were established, following the decision of the IG22, in November 2020, to facilitate the Participating Countries’ work on necessary arrangements for the expansion of the scope of the EANET Instrument.

In the meeting, the Participating Countries had the opportunity to share their views on the initial draft text of the Supplementary Document to the EANET Instrument. On the second and third days, the Participating Countries reviewed other key documents, such as the proposed arrangements for the EANET project fund.
The discussions held at this meeting will continue during the WG2021-2 in August 2021 before submitting the final documents to the IG23 in November 2021.
Discover the virtual meeting’s pictures on Flickr.
Photos credits: all rights reserved to EANET.