The EANET Working Group Meetings on Drafting the MTP (2021-2025) and Reviewing the Scope of Instrument
7 July 2020 – Bangkok, Thailand
From June 29th to July 2nd 2020, National Focal Points or representatives of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) and other international experts met virtually, simultaneously in 13 countries of East Asia, to discuss the future of the Network and reaffirm their common motivation to fight the adverse effects of acid deposition in the Region.
The Working Group Meeting on Drafting Medium Term Plan for the EANET (2021-2025), June 29-30 2020
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, EANET’s Working Group Meeting on Drafting Medium Term Plan for the EANET (2021-2025) took place via a virtual platform (see above a collage of most participants’ webcam). During the two-day meeting, over 50 participants from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Republic of Korea, Russia, Thailand, Philippines, and Viet Nam joined the EANET’s Secretariat and Network Center to discuss draft versions of the Medium Term Plan for the EANET (2021-2025).
The Opening Remarks, delivered by Dr Dechen Tsering, Regional Director and Representative, United Nations Environment Programme for Asia & the Pacific, emphasized that the global pandemic “COVID-19” has allowed us to reflect and re-assess our actions toward nature and reminds us of the importance of the health of people and the planet. The Welcome Remarks, delivered by Dr Shiro Hatakeyama, Director General, Asia Center for Air Pollution Research, reasserted the importance of the Working Group Meeting to recommend the future direction of the EANET.
During these discussions, gathering mostly government officials from Asian Ministries of the Environment, the EANET considered activities and budget for the next five years. As a conclusion, and given the importance of the task, meeting attendees decided to continue discussions during the Second Session of Working Group Meeting, to be held in October 2020.
The Working Group Meeting on Reviewing the Scope of Instrument for the EANET, July 1-2 2020
The Working Group Meeting on Reviewing the Scope of Instrument for the EANET also took place via a virtual platform, regrouping a little less than 50 participants, from EANET’s Participating Countries, most of which had also participated in the two previous meeting days.
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the objectives and scope of the EANET’s Instrument and the possibility of expanding this scope further.
In addition to the Environmental government officials, several Resource persons joined the meeting, among which a Legal Expert Resource Person, to explain in details the legal options and consequences of how to expand the current scope of Instrument.
As a conclusion, meeting attendees prepared recommendations to be submitted to the next Intergovernmental (IG) Meeting, to be held in November 2020.
Meeting Reports for both Working Group Meetings will soon be available on the Resources webpage.
Curious about EANET’s activity? Find out more about the next EANET Meeting dates on the Event’s page and discover the pictures of the Working Group Meetings on Flickr.