The Twentieth Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee on the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia
25 September 2020 – Bangkok, Thailand
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) held its Twentieth Session of the SAC (SAC20) from 23-24 September 2020, virtually. The Session was organized by the Secretariat and the Network Center (NC) for the EANET.
Nearly 50 members of the SAC and/or their representatives from the Participating Countries of the EANET (from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russia, Thailand, Viet Nam) and from the Secretariat and the NC, participated in the two-day meeting.
Designing EANET’s Future Activities for 2021-2025
Main discussions, on day one, concerned the considerations by the SAC members of future activities from technical and scientific viewpoints. Outcomes of these discussions were recommendations to be presented to the 22nd Intergovernmental Meeting of EANET (IG22) and considered in finalizing the MTP for the EANET (2021-2025).
Currently, EANET’s main activities focus essentially on acid deposition monitoring and provision of data; promotion of quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC); implementation of technical support and capacity building; dispatch of technical missions; promotion of research and studies; and promotion of public awareness activities.
SAC20 members discussed the Draft MTP that includes new activities proposed by the Participating Countries. This will be further discussed next month during the Second Session of the Working Group Meeting.
Understanding Acid Deposition Monitoring and Data in 2019
Day two of the meeting focused essentially on the results from activities of acid deposition monitoring, compilation, evaluation, storage, and provision of data in 2019, based on data provided by the 13 EANET Participating Countries, retrieved from their national monitoring sites.
Scientists from the NC presented detailed results from the EANET Data Report 2019 data on wet deposition, dry deposition, soil and vegetation, inland aquatic environment, and catchment-scale, as well as and from the Report on the Inter-laboratory Comparison (ILC) Projects 2019, focusing on results of wet deposition, dry deposition (filter pack method), soil, and inland aquatic environment ILC Projects carried out in 2019.
An overview of the National Monitoring Plans from the EANET Participating Countries, Reports from the Chairpersons of the Task Forces of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), Progress of Development of the Fourth Periodic Report on the State of Acid Deposition in East Asia (PRSAD4) and updates on other relevant scientific activities were also presented throughout the day.
EANET Data Reports can be accessed on EANET’s website and Reports for 2019 will soon be available.
Photo credits: All rights reserved to EANET.