EANET 2021 Individual Training and Research Fellowship – Call for Applications
30 April 2021 – Niigata, Japan
Among EANET’s main activities, the promotion of research and studies related to acid deposition and air pollution problems is key. In 2021, the Network Center, based in Niigata, Japan, will host the EANET 2021 Individual Training and Fellowship, virtually.
EANET 2021 Individual Training Webinars
From 4 to 19 November 2021, the Network Center (NC) will hold Individual Training webinars to improve acid deposition monitoring capabilities in the Participating Countries.
National Focal Points (NFPs) from EANET Participating Countries will nominate suitable candidate trainees. The selected trainees are expected to present their organization, attend discussions on the different training subjects and prepare a final presentation gathering the training’s results. All meetings will take place via an online platform due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Observers from EANET Participating Countries are also invited to attend the Individual Training and may get in touch with the NC to register for the webinars.
To complete the application, NFPs must submit the Individual Training application form before 16th July 2021 (the deadline, previously set to the 30th June, has been extended) and send it to the Planning and Training Department of the NC.
Access the program of the 2021 Individual Training.
EANET 2021 Research Fellowship
The annual research fellowship program of the Network Center has been implemented since 2005. Young researchers from the EANET Participating Countries are invited every year for approximately two months at the Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP) in Niigata, Japan, to carry out the fellowship research related to the objectives of EANET and develop their research papers. This year, the program will be implemented using an online platform due to COVID-19 restrictions.
EANET NFPs, SAC members, Heads of National Centers, and QA/QC Managers are invited to inform their national agencies and/or research institutes of this opportunity and encourage younger and promising researchers working in the field of air pollution, co-benefits, etc. to apply for this program.
To complete the application, NFPs must submit the Fellowship application form to the Planning and Training Department of the NC before 16th July 2021 (the deadline, previously set to the 30th June, has been extended).
See here the List of Potential Research Themes.
Photo credits: Plants in beakers by CHUTTERSNAP, free of the copyright license.