EANET Workshop on the Relationship between the Atmospheric Environment, Human Health and Ecosystems – Join us on October 31st!
The registration is now closed.
1. Background
As mentioned in the Medium Term Plan for the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) (2021-2025), the Participating Countries established the EANET in 2000 to recognize increasing concerns about acid deposition due to rapid economic development in East Asia that had jeopardized environmental sustainability. The establishment of EANET has benefited from the viewpoint of environmental sustainability and the experience of Europe and other regions that have earlier carried out relevant activities for monitoring acid deposition and related substances, including quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC), data accumulation, and evaluation. Over the span of 20 years, the accumulation of scientific knowledge and regional economic development, the environmental pollution situation worldwide, and the urgent and important fields of action have changed significantly, and, in November 2021, the Twenty-third Session of the Intergovernmental Meeting on the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (IG23) for the EANET made important decisions on the expansion of the scope of the EANET, from acid deposition, to also include a wider scope of atmospheric environment-related substances.
As the deterioration of the atmospheric environment by pollutants emitted from anthropogenic activities may cause adverse effects on humans and ecosystems, the Workshop on the Relationship between the Atmospheric Environment and Human Health and Ecosystems will allow discussions and experience-sharing with various stakeholders, such as policymakers, scientists, and the general public.
To further discuss and understand scientific knowledge and relevant policy measures, the Workshop on the Relationship between the Atmospheric Environment and Human Health and Ecosystems will gather renowned East Asian and European researchers and experts from academia (Hokkaido University, Japan, and Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China), international organizations (CLRTAP-UNECE, WHO, IIASA), and from the Network Center for the EANET, to share scientific findings on the effects of atmospheric deposition on human health and ecosystems, as well as best science-based practices for policy-makers to reduce the impacts of atmospheric pollutants.
2. Objectives and Participants
The Workshop on the Relationship between the Atmospheric Environment and Human Health and Ecosystems will aim at:
- sharing scientific knowledge on the relationships between the atmospheric environment and human health and between the atmospheric environment and ecosystems
- showcasing science-based policy experiences on the reduction of atmospheric pollutants in other regions, such as Europe
- contributing to sharing a common understanding of future directions for environmental measures to be developed by policymakers and scientists at the national and international levels
Although this event is open to the public, the expected participants will be mainly government officials from the EANET Participating Countries, scientists, such as the Scientific Advisory Committee members, Task Force members, other relevant scientists from the EANET and beyond, etc.
3. Agenda and Program
Useful Resources
- Download the concept note here.
- Download the Workshop’s presentations:
- Effects of air pollution on human health (presented by Prof. Ueda)
- Effects of ozone on crop production in Asia (presented by Prof. Feng)
- Effects of atmospheric deposition on forest ecosystems (presented by Dr. Sase )
- 40 years of success: The UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution First Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health (presented by Ms. Kaplina)
- Work of the Task Force on Health under the CLRTAP and relevant work of WHO beyond cooperation with CLRTAP (presented by Dr. Jarosinska)
- Integrated assessment modelling contribution to Air Convention protocols (presented by Dr. Klimont)
For further inquiries, contact the Network Center for the EANET.