
Intensive training for city government officials: EANET-Clean Air Asia Workshop on Emission Inventory Development for the Management of Emissions from the Transport Sector

24 November 2022 – Manila, Philippines

The Network Center for the EANET (NC) and Clean Air Asia organized the EANET-Clean Air Asia Workshop on Emission Inventory Development for the Management of Emissions from the Transport Sector, an intensive training for city government officials held on November 23, 2022, in Manila, Philippines, as a side-event to the 24th Intergovernmental Meeting (IG24) on the EANET. It was attended by more than 90 participants, in-person and online, representing 14 countries from the EANET Region and beyond, gathered to learn about the different tools to calculate emissions from the transport sector and discuss the importance of using data for policy.


Developing an Emission Inventory

Developing an emission inventory is critically important for air pollution management purposes. The accurate estimation of emissions from various sources such as factories, power plants, cars, households, etc… allows the production of basic data, using scientific tools like environmental assessments, for policy-makers to prevent the adverse effects on human health and ecosystems of air pollution.

Presentations and panel discussion with Ms. Everlyn Tamayo, Dr. Didin Agustian Permadi, Dr. Shaojun Zhang, Ms. Kathleen Dematera-Contreras, Dr. Raymund Abad and Mr. Myron Alcanzare introduced the general principle of the emission inventory, outputs, and typical actions to be applied to policy development.

Participants also worked on an exercise on motor vehicle emissions by using a desktop program/application developed by Dr. Permadi with support from Clean Air Asia, allowing participants to apply the methodology to their respective countries/cities.


Engaging Policymakers

Through the workshop, participants learned about the variety of methods and tools to calculate emissions from the transport sector, while noting that the final approach to be implemented would vary depending on the objectives and available resources of the personnel or city. Calculating emissions under different scenarios was recommended as it provides an overview of the impact of measures or policies. Finally, the importance of high-quality data was emphasized to build capacity and strengthen the engagement between policymakers and researchers performing the emissions inventory.


Ways Forward

The development of an emission inventory is a powerful and essential tool for understanding the status of air pollutants emissions and considering the effectiveness of mitigation measures. EANET activities related to the development of emission inventories will continuously be conducted in the future. In 2023, EANET will organize a webinar workshop for capacity building on emission inventories related to combustion sources and explore all possibilities to strengthen cooperation with other organizations, including Clean Air Asia.


This workshop was conducted as part of the EANET Project Activities in 2022. Find out more about the EANET Project Activities and how to participate in the EANET Project Fund.


Photo credits: all rights reserved to EANET and Clean Air Asia.