EANET Individual Training in 2021
19 January 2022 – Niigata, Japan
The EANET Individual Training in 2021 was successfully organized online by the Network Center, from 4th to 19th November 2021, and included the participation of China, through the presentation of two virtual lectures. It aimed at providing participants from the EANET Participating Countries with technical support and capacity building on acid deposition monitoring.
Virtual Individual Training in 2021
Individual Training is a regular activity conducted yearly by the Network Center for the EANET (NC) which aims at improving the various monitoring skills of Participating Countries’ representatives. Individual Training sessions are usually conducted at the Network Center in Niigata, Japan, and tentatively planned for five or six trainees from the Participating Countries.
This year, due to COVID-19 related travel restrictions, the EANET Individual Training in 2021 was held via an online platform. It gathered 14 trainees from 7 EANET Participating Countries (namely from Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam). Furthermore, in total, approximately 50 observers from the EANET Participating Countries took part in the program.
Improving Regional Monitoring Capabilities
During the Training, Scientists from the Network Center’s Planning and Training, Atmospheric Research, Ecological Impact Research, and Data Management Departments, delivered daily lectures. The main topics covered, among others, included the ecological effects of atmospheric deposition and EANET monitoring methods, automatic monitor maintenance, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control (QA/QC) activities, and data reporting procedures.
On the 17th of November, lectures were presented by Ms. Wang Xiaofei, from the China National Environmental Monitoring Centre, and by Mr. Li Jie, from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, on China’s Atmospheric Air Monitoring, and on the Development of an Atmospheric Environment Forecasting System and MICS-ASIA III Program, respectively.
Through this training, participants have deepened their knowledge of laboratory work, data evaluation, and reporting.
Interested in finding out more? Contact the Network Center for the EANET.
Photo Credit: All rights reserved to the EANET.